what is Multimedia ?

Multimedia is media and content that uses a combination of different content forms.
##It includes a combination of text, audio , animation , video or interactive content forms.

##Multimedia can be accessed through computers or electronic devices etc.
ex-combining a website with video, audio, text

Multimedia facts .
It has 5 facts.
(1)Text:-Characters that are used to create words , sentences and paragraphs, is a fundamental element used in many multimedia applications.
Different text sizes, fonts, colors or styles may be used to emphasize the text.

(2)Graphic:-A graphic can be photograph, drawing, graph from a spreadsheet or still image.
 (3)Animation:-Displays a series of still graphics in sequence to give the look of movement .
(4)Audio:-Music, speech or any other sound.
  (5)Video:-Photographic images played at speed of 15 to 30 frames per second.
